Ok! It's time to get up to date on my Washington, D.C. excursions! Always as I explore and visit the various destinations, in my mind I'm taking note of interesting facts and places so that when I come back with friends or family, I can be the best tour guide. So here's your tour of D.C from Drake!
First, we gotta get downtown, and there's no better way to get downtown then the Metro! I was kinda freaked out my first time, because I had no idea what a farecard was or how to get one, but now I'm a huge fan of the Metro.
We'll get out at the Smithsonian metro stop, and arise from the depths to greet the National Mall! Our first stop: The Castle! This is the Smithsonian headquarters, where we can get maps and a list of current events and exhibitions.

So, where to next? A multitude of musuems and gallerys line the Mall--there's something for everyone! Here on the south side of the Mall, right next to us is the Hirshorn Sculpture Musuem and Garden. I spent about 5 minutes there, but hey, I'm not much of an artsy guy.
Next to that is the most popular museum in the world: the Air and Space Museum! This one's really a "blast", with everything from the Wright's brothers first plane to the cockpit of a modern airliner. A definite D.C. must! Here's a picture I took of the Spirit of St. Louis.
If we want a Native American experience, we can keep going down Jefferson Drive to see the American Indian Musuem. It's brand new, and it's got some cool artificats and exhibits. One of the coolest things about it is the architecture. Take a look!
Before we leave the south side of the mall, I've got to take you to the Botanical Garden--it's one of my favorite places. The Conservatory is a giant greenhouse, with different rooms representing different habitats. There's a jungle room, desert room, Hawaii room, even a prehistoric ferns room! I loved this particular cactus--isn't that a beautiful shade of green?
Next, we'll take a stroll past the Capitol building, and start down Madison Drive--the north side of the mall. First, the National Gallery of Art. I was happy after about 10 minutes, but hey, some people love this stuff. My favorite thing about this museum is the outside.
All right! Now we get to go to the Museum of Natural History, one of my favorites. I've already been there three times this summer, and I still have lots to see. There's an oceans hall, a dinosaur room, gems display, and so much more! You can see two really cool IMAX 3D movies, and the latest exhibit on ants, with larger-than-life photos.
Next is the American History Museum, last of the Big Three, as I like to call them (Air and Space, National History, and American History). Just remodeled in 2008, the new museum showcases all parts of American life, from presidents to transportation to wars for freedom. My favorite exhibit is called On the Water--it tells the story of ships in creating our country and sustaining America today.

Now, we've got to get off the beaten path a little bit to see what is likely my favorite museum--the Postal Museum. I like it because it's less crowded, and very interactive. You can learn about the history of mail, from the Pony express to modern aircraft. There's one room with sheets and sheets of stamps from all over the world. Below I found some from Brazil!
Next, we've got to visit all the memorials! There's the Lincoln, Jefferson, Vietnam, Korean, Washington. Probably my favorite is the World War II Memorial. One day while I was there I got to see a service for Ohio veterans (men dressed in red). It was neat to be reminded of their sacrifice.
Another fun thing to do is see the memorials at night. One Sunday evening some friends and I visited the memorials at nightfall. Here's me at the FDR memorial.
Our tour wouldn't be complete without a stop at Arlington National Cemetery. There's a spirit of reverence there as you see the thousands of headstones representing those who fought for our country and their families.
Well, that'll be all for our tour today! There's still so much more to see in D.C., so don't let this be your last visit! We've still got a lot of exploring to do! Thanks for coming!
I'm excited to read about your adventures in D.C.! Love the blog. I'm gonna link to it from mine! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rachel! I was glad to catch up on your doings by reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteDrake! It sounds like you are having heaps of fun! I love Washington DC and I'm jealous that you get to spend so much time back there seeing everything.