Last year, one of the most memorable experiences of my trip was our visit to Nhamatanda orphanage. You can read my blog post about it
here. We were ushered into the great room for our customary greeting in song and prayer, and as I clapped along I scanned the crowd and was delighted to see familiar faces. When I introduced myself and told them I had such an incredible time last year I just had to come back, there was lots of applause and enthusiastic nods from the boys who remembered me. I love these children!
All morning we taught them how to weave baskets and make friendship bracelets, while I chatted away with them about their names and ages and school and desires. After lunch my boys taught me how to play a fun game with the soccer ball. We gave them the soccer ball when we left, as well as school kits with pencils and a notebook, all of which they were very excited and grateful about.
It's a strange set of emotions that wash together as we load up into the bed of our Land Cruiser truck and drive away, waving all the time. Happiness and love for these beautiful children. Sadness at their situation, many without parents or separated from their family. Amazement at their cheerfulness despite the difficulties they face. I told them I would be back, and I'm a man of my word, so this will not be my last visit to Nhamatanda. Until next time, Edson, Johnny, Wiat, Johnny, Joao, Paizinho, Rosa, Jacob, and Lisboa!
Rosa and Paizinho, who I interviewed about their school
experience to share with my fourth graders this fall |
Edson, Antonio, Joao, and Johnny, my boys from last year |
Me and Lisboa. I won't forget your name, Lisboa! |