Sunday, January 31, 2010

Creativity in Action

So one day last week my cousins were in town for the evening, and though we didn't really have a plan, we knew we wanted to get together and do something. Being the fount of creative ideas I am, I suggested that we all learn the mambo. When that idea failed to receive thunderous appeal, I pulled out Idea #2: Redecorate my kitchen. Now this was something my artistic cousins could get excited about--soon we were out the door racing to the craft stores before they closed in search of canvas and paint. When we returned, we couldn't decide for a long time exactly what we wanted to do, but after a while came up with the drip and flick idea that you see below. We wanted them to be a set--can you tell what the theme is?

The moral of the story? When you've got a night with friends ahead of you, and you start asking what should we do, before you default to a movie, start thinking creative. What can you do that will encourage friendship, cultivate creativity, and leave you with something to remember the evening by?